
Understanding myself through my photographs

Further to my research using photographic evidence to analyse myself and understanding what these scenes, objects and foods mean to me and say about me; I have looked into the most disturbing one which is that of the tomatoes. Why do I feel so drawn to them? What is it about their colour and texture that is so enticing? What cord does this strike inside me? What does it say about me? Same goes for the ear of corn and the aubergines.

I have looked into these issues and come up with some very interesting facts, which made me look inwards within myself and brought me to the conclusion that it is all quite true. In order to be able to accept such facts or ideas we have to be self analytic and give self critic as this is the only way we can understand the why we do the things we do or respond in a certain way to different things. It’s a little bit more like placing one’s self in the psychiatric couch. We have to be as honest as can be to give it that much needed integrity.

As I said in the preceeding documentation of my photographic findings, i have always found myself gravitating towards the tomatoes. Perhaps, because its bright red, which is very obvious, but their is something more.

According to David Johnson, red is “….the most emotionally intense color,..stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing…..the colour of love. –Color Psychology -do different colors affect your mood? – http://www.infoplease.com/spot/colours1.html/12/10/2011

This implies that the colour ‘RED’ is associated with strong, perhaps copious amounts of emotions and passion. Its the colour of blood which is responsible for keeping the heart pumping and makes it possible to breathe. But this still does not add up properly, so let’s take a look at other quotes.

Henry Dreyfus according to ‘three-musketeers’ has compared the Japanese with Westerners and he feels that the former are more intuitive at their understanding of colours and take no notice of the impact that light has on them. He states further; “…Colors whether intense or soft, are identified ……in terms of the meaning or feeling associated with them”. – http://www.three-musketeers.net/mike/colors.html/12/10/2011

In other words, there is no differentiating between the tonal values of colour as far as the Japanese are concerned, they are more wont to sense how a colour makes them feel and associate that particular colour with the feelings or emotions that it stirs up in them.

Red is described by him as a symbol of blood, love and even infatuation. The bottom line is that it represents strong emotions rather than intellectual thoughts. He gives examples of what it can symbolize ie “energy, excitement, speed, strength, danger, passion and aggression.”

Dreyfus goes on to state that “its popularly felt that red, the color of blood and fire, represents life and vitality. Red…signifies the color of the sun: a symbol of energy, radiating its vitalizing life-force into human beings. Red is …..a sensual color, and can be associated with man’s most profound urges and impulses”. – http://www.three-musketeers.net/mike/colors.html/12/10/2011

This goes to show that the Japanese associate the colour red with the driving force that is responsible for the sustinence of life as they rightly attribute this to the sun that emits the energy that keeps the planet in a habitable state making it possible for life forms to exist. The colour is regarded as ‘sensual’ and hypothetically, its linked with man’s greatest desires.

Other people have defined red as a symbol of competitiveness, ambition and the craving of attention. Red has been said to be symbolic of leadership qualities and courage. Anyone who loves to wear this colour, according to livingartsoriginals.com is focused on results and success, and will take time to learn to be a good listener and be considering the feelings of others. While Anna Starmmer defines red in her book The colour scheme bible (2005) as passionate, daring, intimate and comforting.

On the other hand, the colour-wheel-pro.com “associate it with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love”

What does this say about me then? I know I have passion, and am very sensual, determined, impulsive, aggressive and very restless which can be interpreted as active and i am also very energetic as my friends have always told me, I never seem to tire and I’m always on the go. Perhaps, this is why I am attracted to tomatoes. It radiates a vibration that is in tune with mine and because I carry this vibration, i wear a lot of red and even have a red (burgundy) carpet in my apartment to keep in tune with it and maintain my energy. Also, my bedroom used to be decorated with lilac satin, floor to ceiling curtains and aubergine carpets and bedding, not to talk of the lilac walls. When i created this scheme the idea was for it to be my boudoir and sanctuary. Someone used to say its symbolic of the womb and the chakras ( all the shades or red) which means I am very sexual. But I just feel its all energy and this colour defines me as a person and an artist.

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