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Research – Room Partitioning
This is a reel of train ticket stock. In the centre is the compressed cardboard spool. They are usually thrown away. Most train stations get through hundreds of these in a week. I never knew what to do with these modular shaped spools with their perfectly round, strong and sturdy form. But felt it had…
Chicken Leather
Hi Guys, I am very pleased to say that i have finally succeeded in making the world’s first leather out of chicken skin. Here are a few samples of what i have done so far. The experiment is still on-going. Next thing is to print on a few to see what it will look like….
Waste & Recycling
Hi Everybody, Has anyone thought about how much waste we create through our consumption habits? Newspapers littering the trains and streets, empty drink cans laying about the place, etc. These items can all be up-cycled and put into good use to make something new and exciting. I think we need to look harder and especially…
Fashion Shoes Research
The cardboard spool was tested for strength. How much wait can it withstand before the walls cave in? The volunteer standing on this spool weighs in at 85kilos/lb187.39. another volunteer that weighs 95kilos/lb209 also tested with their weight by leaning heavily on it without it getting crushed. That is the extent of the firmness and…
Sustainability Workshop
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Introducing natural dyes in modern fashion
What’s on the high street Our high street is replete with lots and lots of beautiful clothes and accessories. From the low end to the high end of the street, bargains, new looks, fabulous colours, amazing textures, exotic fabrics. Without a thought, we buy these fabulous items, feeling very pleased with ourselves that we just…