Spool Blind
A window blind made from till roll receipt spools. It is decorative and functional. The Arrangement can be hung in strips adapted to a mechanism, which is why the lower half is left to hang loose to portray this idea.
A window blind made from till roll receipt spools. It is decorative and functional. The Arrangement can be hung in strips adapted to a mechanism, which is why the lower half is left to hang loose to portray this idea.
Hi Everybody, Has anyone thought about how much waste we create through our consumption habits? Newspapers littering the trains and streets, empty drink cans laying about the place, etc. These items can all be up-cycled and put into good use to make something new and exciting. I think we need to look harder and especially…
I have been doing some soul searching about why I seem to be so interested in quantum physics and the most ostensible reason that I can deduce is that it relates to something my Dad used to tell me when I was growing up. We used to discuss what I had read about Lobsang…
A lifestyle photo of the room partitioning.
These are Prototypes of my sustainable platform shoes of which the heels are made from upcycled cardboard spools….. Below is the prototype of my vertical spool blind made from till roll reciept spools, hanging from a headrail. The next set of images are my new ‘Nothing’ textiles made from shredded paper and was inspired by…
Hello There, I do apologise for not updating my blog all this time. I have been very busy burning candles at both ends. My dilemma has been about seaching for a way to make some of my up-cycled creations into a finished product that will be ready for marketing. It has been an uphill task…
Hi Guys, I am very pleased to say that i have finally succeeded in making the world’s first leather out of chicken skin. Here are a few samples of what i have done so far. The experiment is still on-going. Next thing is to print on a few to see what it will look like….