Spool Blind
A window blind made from till roll receipt spools. It is decorative and functional. The Arrangement can be hung in strips adapted to a mechanism, which is why the lower half is left to hang loose to portray this idea.
A window blind made from till roll receipt spools. It is decorative and functional. The Arrangement can be hung in strips adapted to a mechanism, which is why the lower half is left to hang loose to portray this idea.
These are Prototypes of my sustainable platform shoes of which the heels are made from upcycled cardboard spools….. Below is the prototype of my vertical spool blind made from till roll reciept spools, hanging from a headrail. The next set of images are my new ‘Nothing’ textiles made from shredded paper and was inspired by…
I have been looking at other things for inspiration to create something in 3D. Below are photographs of buildings and other forms that interest me. Where this is going to lead me to I’m afraid its very hard to tell at the moment. I feel inspired by the egg-lamps which were the creations of a…
This is the flyer for my first solo exhibition. There will be finished products that are a result of my research into up-cycling discarded waste into functional items from fashion to interiors and just plain new materials for textiles.
Hi Guys, I am very pleased to say that i have finally succeeded in making the world’s first leather out of chicken skin. Here are a few samples of what i have done so far. The experiment is still on-going. Next thing is to print on a few to see what it will look like….
This is a reel of train ticket stock. In the centre is the compressed cardboard spool. They are usually thrown away. Most train stations get through hundreds of these in a week. I never knew what to do with these modular shaped spools with their perfectly round, strong and sturdy form. But felt it had…
Hi, I haven’t been on here for sometime.That is because I am still very busy making my chicken leather. So, for those skeptics who have visited my website and blog, before you say ‘oh, just as I thought, a flash in the pan’ No, that is not the case! It is a lot of hard…