Spool Blind
A window blind made from till roll receipt spools. It is decorative and functional. The Arrangement can be hung in strips adapted to a mechanism, which is why the lower half is left to hang loose to portray this idea.
A window blind made from till roll receipt spools. It is decorative and functional. The Arrangement can be hung in strips adapted to a mechanism, which is why the lower half is left to hang loose to portray this idea.
I am in the process of making room dividers out of the spools from the train ticket machines. It is very architectural and very painstaken too. It requires so much attention to detail. My deadline is looming,but i know it will be finished. Once the job is done you shall see the piece on here….
Who would have thought that printing can be done in 3D? I just stumbled on this site (actually, they followed me on twitter) and my curiosity got the better of me, I had to have a look at what it is they do. I found the images that I was confronted with absolutely amazing. And…
As part of my Creative Practice, I have researched different things that have a profound effect on me without knowing what they mean and looked into why they affect me in that way. most of the things that have kept cropping up are the colour ‘RED’ the feeling of ‘Loneliness’, ‘isolation’, and my curiousity with…
The ethical collection by Adeysapphire Design Limited who owns online shop adeysapphire.com is coming along great! We cannot start showing images of the pieces yet! But here’s a tip. It’s got prints by the designer, Adey Thani in exciting colours, we have also used natural dyes in the collection. And of course, we have used…
What’s on the high street Our high street is replete with lots and lots of beautiful clothes and accessories. From the low end to the high end of the street, bargains, new looks, fabulous colours, amazing textures, exotic fabrics. Without a thought, we buy these fabulous items, feeling very pleased with ourselves that we just…
This is a reel of train ticket stock. In the centre is the compressed cardboard spool. They are usually thrown away. Most train stations get through hundreds of these in a week. I never knew what to do with these modular shaped spools with their perfectly round, strong and sturdy form. But felt it had…