Room Partitioning
A lifestyle photo of the room partitioning.
A lifestyle photo of the room partitioning.
Research Methodologies. For this module, my research methodology included the use of photography to document various things that were relevant to my theme, drawings to formulate my idea and to keep me focused on it without losing my train of thought. I used books, did internet searches for material that was relevant to my work,…
This is a reel of train ticket stock. In the centre is the compressed cardboard spool. They are usually thrown away. Most train stations get through hundreds of these in a week. I never knew what to do with these modular shaped spools with their perfectly round, strong and sturdy form. But felt it had…
What’s on the high street Our high street is replete with lots and lots of beautiful clothes and accessories. From the low end to the high end of the street, bargains, new looks, fabulous colours, amazing textures, exotic fabrics. Without a thought, we buy these fabulous items, feeling very pleased with ourselves that we just…
I have gone on to make molds from the acorns and conkers of my “images from around Woolwich” research, with the use of silicon rubber. I am not yet sure what I want to make with them, but I have used them as a little practice to familiarise myself with the mixing proportions and the…
Muse Origins | Showcasing African Creativity
Initial idea of a shoe using the modular spool has a heel. I collaborrated with Lois Fuller to redesign them so the shoes are very different from this image right now.