Fashion Affair staring AdeySapphire
The ethical collection by Adeysapphire Design Limited who owns online shop is coming along great! We cannot start showing images of the pieces yet! But here’s a tip. It’s got prints by the designer, Adey Thani in exciting colours, we have also used natural dyes in the collection. And of course, we have used…
Adeysapphire’s ethical accessories are made from ethically sourced, hand-woven fabric from disadvantaged communities. We believe you can be Ethical, Trendy and COOL at the same time
Adey Thani – Student Profile
Fashion Meets Music (FMM), the Los Angeles event created to give fashion designers, models, and musical talent a place to be seen and heard hit LONDON, UK on Wednesday 14th November 2012. The show was hosted by FMM favorite, Andrew James Markham III and Model/Brand Ambassador Sharon Prasad. The fashion and music industry’s hottest taste…
Student Profile, Textile Design – Adey Thani | The AVA … | Prints
Read about Culture and Nature from Adey Thani here on Muse Origins